Why I chose Icecream...
I chose Ice cream as my topic because of a couple of reasons. The first reason I chose this topic is because I absolutely love Ice cream Ice cream is my all time favorite thing to eat. If I had to pick one food to live on, it would be Ice cream. Ice cream would have to be my favorite dessert and of course I would have it for any meal! My parents don't buy as much Ice cream as I would like because they know that if they bought it, I would constantly be eating it. When you go to Ice cream stores, you can customize how you want your Ice cream and exactly how you like it. They also have Ice creams already pre packaged so you can go to the store and buy big gallons of Ice cream for parties or events you have! My favorite flavor is Coffee and Oreo together. Its so good! Whats your favorite flavor?
The second reason I chose Ice cream as my topic was because I am interested in learning about the history and creation of it. I would like to know who came up with the brilliant idea of introducing Ice cream into the world! I also would like to know where it was created and the background information about this topic. I hope you will enjoy my blog as much as I do! Let me know what you think!
Monica, I love your topic! But then again, who doesn’t love Ice Cream? I happen to be an ice cream-aholic and am very happy that I don’t have to hike up any mountains just to get my fix of chocolate chip! Although, a little exercise before consuming all those calories isn’t such a bad idea! I’d be interested in learning a little about the Ice Cream industry. Who are the leaders in the industry (my guess is Hood or Friendly’s). Which state has the highest consumption of ice cream? Probable someplace a lot warmer than where we live! Have you ever tired making your own ice cream at home or using ice cream as an ingredient in another recipe? Please share if you have. You’re off to a great start with your blog; I’m looking forward to returning soon to read (and learn) more! Mrs. A.